A church that feels like home.
From the moment you arrive, our team is dedicated to helping you connect to the family of Spanish River Church.
Worship With Us
Worship at Spanish River Church is rooted in the faithful preaching of the Scriptures, the hopeful and devoted praise of God our Savior, and a gracious welcome to all. Spanish River Church is on an everyday mission to bring the transforming love of Jesus to our members, neighbors, and the nations in every generation through the gospel in word, deed, and sign.
2400 Yamato Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Sundays • 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Worship Center
(561) 994-5000
First-Time Guest? Let’s Get Connected.
We Can’t Wait to Meet You
Spanish River Church is a PCA church that believes in the power of the Gospel to transform lives. We want to make a difference in the world by reaching those who are far from God and helping them know Him deeply.
There is no dress code for attending services at Spanish River Church. Some attendees dress casually, and some dress up. You are free to come as you are, so wear whatever you are most comfortable in to attend service with us.
We want to remove barriers that prevent people from worshipping with us. We are overjoyed to provide Language Translation at every Sunday Service. Tap Here »
We host worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Our campus is located on the Southeast corner of Yamato and St. Andrews Blvd. Our address is 2400 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, FL, 33431. Get Directions »
Our SRC Kids and SRC Students ministries are designed to meet your children where they are as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
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Queremos eliminar las barreras que te impiden adorar con nosotros. Gracias a nuestros increíbles voluntarios, estamos muy felices de brindar traducción al español y al portugués durante el servicio de las 11:00 am los domingos.
Swing by the Connect Center to start your day well and meet new people from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Connect Center Auditorium. High Schoolers are invited to “Donuts and Devos” in Connect Center Classroom #4.
The best way to meet others is Discover SRC. Discover SRC is hosted once a month, and it is the perfect way to hear our story, learn about our vision and values, and discover how you can participate in what God is doing at SRC. Learn More »
Queremos remover as barreiras que impedem você de celebrar o culto conosco. Graças aos nossos incríveis voluntários, estamos muito felizes em fornecer tradução para espanhol e português durante o culto das 11:00 am aos domingos.
Why We Exist
We believe everyone everywhere needs Jesus and a great Church to call home. We're committed to "Bring the transforming life and love of Jesus to our members, neighbors, and the nations in every generation through the gospel in word, deed, and sign."
Sunday Morning Classes
Our hope for you this morning at Spanish River Church is that you would experience the transforming love of Jesus, and understand how the good news – the Gospel – is the hope for the world. Sundays are full of opportunities to join heaven in worship, learn about Jesus more deeply, and build community.
Many classic theologians, writers and thinkers have sought to layout systematically the Christian faith, James Montgomery Boice, RC Sproul, John Stott, JI Packer are among them. These men in turn relied upon Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin, Marin Luther, Thomas Aquinas, and Augustine. They in turn relied upon the Bible, and particularly the Apostle Paul. We will try to follow this same pattern in better understanding God’s Word and in turn know Him better. The class will be challenging, but it is also fun and fulfilling as we study together to not only know Him better, but to live and serve more effectively our Savior, His church, and the world at large. Our class is all-inclusive from youthful teenagers to retirees (who refuse to be old) and everything and everyone in between. It is this mix that produces remarkable discussions and discoveries.
Connect Classroom #3 -
We believe the Scriptures tell us Jesus came not only to save us from our sins but also from our solitude. Specifically designed for adults 55 years and older, SRC Senior Adults meet together to learn about the Bible, pray, and serve.
10:15-11:30 a.m.
Connect Center Classroom #2
Neighboring Churches
We deeply enjoy worshipping with the many that call Spanish River Church their home and would love for you to be a part of it, but we are grateful to be surrounded by many Gospel-centered churches that are steadfast in their love for Jesus and people. Here are some of the local churches that we are happy to recommend.
The Avenue Church - Delray Beach, FL
Hammock Street Church - Boca Raton, FL
Boynton Beach Community Church - Boynton Beach, FL
Gospel Fellowship - Boynton Beach, FL
Boca Raton Community Church - Boca Raton, FL
Above and Beyond Community Church - Delray Beach, FL
The church is not just a building; it is a community.
Whether you’re traveling or on the go, take us wherever life takes you. Join us live online Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 11:00 AM.