Community & Care
You were not created and designed to live life alone. God welcomes us into a community that he calls the church: God’s answer for our “aloneness.” Amid life’s struggles, we can lean into the church and receive the prayers, care, and encouragement that God provides through his people.
This is real love.
Life can be challenging and we’re not meant to go through it alone. Find the support you need or learn how you can provide support to others in our community. Spanish River Church offers a variety of meetings, classes, and events to help our community overcome unique challenges and move forward.
Spanish River Counseling Center
For each of us, life can sometimes be overwhelming. It is far too often that hope can seem so very far away. Helping those who are struggling to find hope, those challenged by some of life’s toughest issues is why we exist. Your search for an appropriate place of support does not need to be a struggle. Spanish River Counseling Center is a place of hope that has provided healing and new beginnings for nearly 30 years.
HELPS Ministry
The HELPS Ministry of Spanish River Church is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people through their purchasing, preparing and delivering meals to those in need following surgeries, illnesses, birth of a newborn, or the loss of loved one. If you’d like to be a part of ministering to others through meals, we’d love to serve with you.
Prayer Team
The power of prayer can change the world. It is a loving act to pray for someone and join them in taking the pain of their heart to God. If you feel called to pray for others and become a reflection of God’s comfort as we lift the burdens of others’ hearts to Him, we invite you to join our Prayer Team!
Foster Care
Every day 6 to 10 kids are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment in our community. Many will be separated from their siblings, live in shelters or group homes, or be sent out of their home county. 4KIDS believes every child deserves to be in a home, with a loving family.
Learning how to cope with the pain and hurt of losing a loved one is not easy. GriefShare offers a video-enhanced class for those grieving that will assist you with your grief and loss while renewing your hope for the future.
Class Details:
Tuesdays • 6:30 - 8:30pm • Chapel Classroom 3Starts January 21
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are trained to provide one-to-one Christ-centered care. They have a compassionate heart for those who are hurting, and they’ve been equipped with caring ministry skills by their congregation’s Stephen Leaders. A Stephen Minister offers to listen, care, pray, encourage, and give emotional and spiritual support to those in need.