Your generosity is making a difference.
As a result of your sacrificial generosity, you are helping to reach more people with the life-giving message of Jesus.
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We teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Tithe means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10% of our income to God. God not only calls us to give as an act of obedience but to give generously. Once you are faithfully tithing, we would like you to consider giving above and beyond.
God demonstrates great generosity in his love and provision for us. As we understand his generosity towards us, our circumstances are put into perspective, and we are drawn to greater generosity with others.
We believe living generously involves more than just money. We steward our time, talents, and resources. We believe God has uniquely designed us for a specific purpose. We call this purpose our Kingdom Platform. We encourage you to discover yours today!
We long for God to be glorified in and through his people - God glorified in pastoral care and counseling; in preaching, teaching, and reaching others with the good news of Jesus; in strengthening SRCS, Student Ministries, and sharing Christ in local high schools; in mercy ministries to our city and region; and in church planting here and around the world.

Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving •
A New Way to Make an Impact

The S.R.C. Project
The S.R.C. Project •
Collaborative Updates and Essentials

Local Ministry Partners
Boca Helping Hands
Boca Helping Hands provides food, medical, and financial assistance to meet basic human needs and education, job training, and guidance to create self-sufficiency. See how their services make lasting changes in Palm Beach County!
First Care Women's Clinic
As women struggle with their unplanned pregnancies, First Care offers them love and support while providing them with free services such as pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. It is their goal that through these services and the support we provide, that they can help women choose life for their unborn children.
RUF Ministries
RUF is a campus ministry that welcomes students from any and all walks of life. Whether you are a first-year freshman or a last-semester senior, RUF would love for you to join us at any of our weekly events. Our desire is to be a place where you can find community, grow in your faith, and learn more about what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Place of Hope
Place of Hope at The Leighan and David Rinker Campus is dedicated to providing a stable and loving family environment for children, youth, and families who are hurting. They are committed to meeting desperate needs in our community by sharing God’s love and placing hope in their lives—one child, youth, and family at a time.
CityHouse Delray
The story of CityHouse began with a few families who were providing temporary shelter for children through a program called Safe Families. This program helps divert children from being placed in the child welfare system while the mothers seek to re-establish themselves so that, once again, they may care for their own children. Effective care was provided to the children apart from their mothers, while a desire to do more for their mothers was ignited.
4Kids of South Florida
4KIDS exists to bring hope, homes, and healing to kids and families in crisis across South Florida and the Treasure Coast. In partnership with local churches, businesses, and government agencies, 4KIDS is committed to redefining foster care in our community, one child at a time.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a global fellowship of individuals who have struggled with alcohol addiction and seek support in maintaining sobriety. Founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, AA operates based on a 12-step program designed to help individuals stop drinking and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. It is a non-professional, self-supporting organization that is open to anyone who wants to stop drinking, regardless of their background or circumstances.
The Boys and Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Clubs is a network of community-based organizations that provide a safe, supportive environment for young people, particularly those who may face economic or social challenges. These clubs aim to help children and teenagers achieve their full potential by offering a variety of programs focused on education, character development, health and wellness, arts, sports, and leadership.
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts is a global youth organization dedicated to helping young people develop skills, values, and character through outdoor activities, community service, and leadership training. The organization aims to instill a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and self-reliance in its members, while fostering a connection to nature and encouraging personal growth.
Cru is an international Christian organization that focuses on evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual growth, particularly on college campuses. It aims to help students and young adults develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, build their faith, and spread the Christian message in their communities and beyond.
Church United
Church United is a network of Christian churches and leaders that work together to unite the body of Christ, with a focus on collaboration and collective impact in their communities. It is not a denomination or a single church but rather a movement that brings together churches of different denominations and backgrounds to work toward common goals in areas like outreach, social justice, and community transformation.