SRC Baptism - Sunday, March 23rd
Baptism is a sign pointing to the grace of God made known at the cross of Jesus for both adults & children.
Required Baptism Class: Sunday, March 16th at 9 am
Location: Connect Center Room 4
Registration Closes: Sunday, March 2nd
Baptism: Sunday, March 23 during the 11:00 am Service
Beach Baptism - Wednesday, March 19th
Members who have yet to be baptized are invited to this evening's service of Beach Baptisms. We’ll gather for worship and a gift to mark this momentous day!
Required Baptism Class: Sunday, March 16th at 9 am
Location: Connect Center Room 4
Registration Closes: Sunday, March 2nd
Beach Baptism Night: Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30 pm
What is Baptism?
Baptism is the mark of membership in the body of Christ. It is the foundation and the front door to the faith. We are commanded by Jesus to be baptized to continue to learn and grow as his disciples.
Why Do We Baptize
We baptize because Jesus commanded us to baptize. He said,
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).
We baptize children whose parents know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and are members of this church, as well as adult believers who were never baptized as children.
Covenant Baptism of Children
When children (Birth to 11 years old) are baptized with water, they receive the sign of the covenant that God has made with His people. Baptism is a sign that emphasizes the grace of God given to children because they have the privilege of being brought up in a Christian family.
They have the opportunity to learn about the Savior from his parents as they live the life of Christ before them and as they tell them about Jesus. They have the opportunity to be brought up in the church, in the fellowship of believers where they can also learn of the Savior.
Baptizing Teenagers
If you are a teenager and wish to be baptized, you must first become a member of SRC. Students are invited to attend a Communicants Class in the Fall of each year. They will take an in-depth look at the Bad News and Good News of the gospel, the foundational truths of our faith, the organization of the church, as well as the sacrament of the Lord’s Table. High School students are welcome to take the Communicants Class or the adult Membership Class.
Adult Baptism
In the Presbyterian tradition we baptize adults after they believe, but only those who were not baptized into the covenant family as children. We also encourage believing parents to present their children for baptism.
All adults must go through the membership process at SRC, consisting of the Membership Class. Once you are approved for membership, you will be eligible for baptism. The baptism will be the last step in the membership process.