International Ministry
We believe that everyone, everywhere, needs the life-giving message of Jesus and a great church to call home! Our teams are dedicated to connecting you to the heart and mission of our church.
God’s Word in
Your Native Language.
Our team is dedicated to bringing you God’s word in your native language as you connect with individuals who will help you discover community, grow in your faith, and join you in prayer.
Translation Services
Every Sunday morning, we offer both Portuguese and Spanish translations to provide guests with the opportunity to hear God's word in their native language at our Sunday Services.
Following each service, please join us for prayer. A member of our team would love an opportunity to pray with you and help get you connected.
Spanish Translation
Haga clic en el botón de abajo para conectarse a nuestros servicios de traducción al español, disponibles todos los domingos a las 11:00am.
Portuguese Translation
Clique no botão abaixo para se conectar aos nossos serviços de tradução para português, disponíveis todos os domingos às 11h00.
International LifeGroups
Wednesday Nights
We believe LifeGroups are a “microcosm” of the church community. In other words, they are “little churches” inside the larger community that are designed to help us in our faith journey. It is in our LifeGroups where people are able to share their lives, their prayers, and encourage each other through life’s moments!
Portuguese LIfeGroups and Spanish LifeGroups meet on campus on Wednesday nights from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in Chapel Rooms 1 and 4. Use the buttons below to register.
Sunday Mornings
We believe LifeGroups are a “microcosm” of the church community. In other words, they are “little churches” inside the larger community that are designed to help us in our faith journey. It is in our LifeGroups where people are able to share their lives, their prayers, and encourage each other through life’s moments!
The Kreol LifeGroup meets every other Sunday beginning with the first of the month Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the Educational Building at 2350 Yamato Road, Room 550. Use the button below to register.