Officer Nominations

“Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;” – 1 Peter 5:2

How Elders and Deacons Serve the Church


Ruling Elders are commonly called simply by the shorthand of Elders, and they shepherd the flock, caring for the congregation and watching over her spiritual needs (Acts 20:28). Ruling Elders make up the Session, which is charged with oversight of the ministry of the Word and prayer in the church. In other words, the elders are called and qualified by God to care for the spiritual needs of the church.

In addition to Elder, the other ordinary and perpetual office in the Church established by Christ through His Apostles is the office of Deacon. These men, too, are elected by the congregation (Acts 6:1-6), just like the Elders. The role of Deacons in the church is to serve the congregation in its physical needs and to encourage the congregation to love and do good deeds for others in need. They relieve the burden of the Elders so that they may dedicate themselves to the ministry of the Word and prayer, which would otherwise be compromised.

Only Spanish River Church Members may nominate officers; Last day to nominate is June 30th, 2023.