We’re Glad You’re Connected.

Now that your device is successfully connected, it’s your turn.

  • Upcoming Events

    There is a lot that takes place on our campus and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to find the new and exciting events happening at SRC.

  • SRC Kids

    We understand that raising children today can be difficult! We want to walk along-side you and your kids as they learn all about Jesus in a way that they can understand.

  • Request Prayer

    Tell us how we can pray for you, or share a story about how God has been faithful. A team of Pastors and Staff gather each week to pray for each request.

  • Care & Support

    We love our community, and we want to offer support to people in a wide range of life circumstances. We want to be there to help you overcome your challenges and move forward towards a better you!

  • Give Online

    Through your faithful giving, you are making an eternal impact across the world and right here in our local community. As you live open-handed, you are helping to reach more people with the life-giving message of Jesus.